I have always enjoyed traveling, even if it meant sleeping in a tent when I was younger. I prefer hotels and cruise cabins now, but the motivation is the same...an adventure waiting to happen. Sometimes you will find me traveling with my husband and/or family. Sometimes I will travel alone, and sometimes I will travel with friends. I hope you find it entertaining to keep up to date with me as I explore the world around me. Warning...I like to take pictures of food so don't read if you're hungry. More adventures await...see ya soon...Amy.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Macedonia: Day Five

Today is Saturday and this morning started with another walk in the neighborhood. Danny came with me for half of my walk. I am only walking a couple of miles but it wakes me up and gets me ready for the day. We ate a late breakfast with Kyle, Jackie and Daniel and then Kyle and Danny settled the details for the father/son overnight retreat they are planning for this evening. Kyle had something to deliver in town and I wanted to see the Market on a Saturday so we went into town for the morning. Jackie bought cabbage, nuts, oranges, green onions and lettuce in the market. It is like a farmer’s market that we would have back home with many many vendors. It’s quite large and was bustling with people. Jackie and I also did a little shopping while the men were visiting. We really like the Macedonian cookies we get at the grocery store. I looked longingly at the baklava in a local bakery, but today was not the day for that treat. I will definitely be eating some baklava before I leave here. It is delicious! We returned home and Danny, Kyle and Daniel began their preparation to leave. At 3:00, Jackie and I were joined by three young ladies that attend their church so that we could have a bible study aimed at teen girls. These three girls are believers and we considered inviting some others that are not believers but changed our mind at the last minute. We decided it might be best to introduce the topic we were discussing to these girls first and then to see if they would like to continue getting together and invite the other girls. For reference, we used a book about lies that the world tells young women and specifically talked about the worlds view on girl/boy relationships and what God says about them. The girls were very attentive and agreed with all the points about what the world is telling them. They listened and responded when we discussed what the Bible says about the same topic. They also thought it was a good idea to continue meeting and also to involve the other girls. Jackie will work on trying to make that happen later this year when they return from furlough to the United States. Since our men were gone on their retreat, Jackie and I had a light supper and settled in for popcorn and a movie, The Odd Life of Timothy Green. A cold front is moving in tomorrow with highs in the low 40’s so I think I will skip my walk in the morning and give my body a rest. So until tomorrow…

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