I have always enjoyed traveling, even if it meant sleeping in a tent when I was younger. I prefer hotels and cruise cabins now, but the motivation is the same...an adventure waiting to happen. Sometimes you will find me traveling with my husband and/or family. Sometimes I will travel alone, and sometimes I will travel with friends. I hope you find it entertaining to keep up to date with me as I explore the world around me. Warning...I like to take pictures of food so don't read if you're hungry. More adventures await...see ya soon...Amy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Royal Lahaina Resort: Lahaina, Hawaii

view of the hotel from the beach

notice the wooden "screen" that allowed air flow from the balcony

coconut scented bath products

our beautiful view

we could see all the way down the beach
We stayed at the Royal Lahaina Resort in Lahaina on the Island of Maui. It is located on Kaanapali Beach. One of the things I found unique about this hotel, that I later discovered isn't very unique for Maui hotels, is that the lobby is open without walls! Everything in Maui is open air! The lobby was lovely and our rooms were perfect for us. The beds were comfortable with white linens. Our room was air conditioned, but we preferred to sleep with the sliding balcony door open and the wooden shade closed. This turned off the air conditioning, but let the ocean sing us to sleep. The bathrooms were clean and well organized. I always like to have the sink separated from the shower/tub so that someone can get ready while the other person bathes. This room came with a large glass tiled shower. The water was hot and plentiful. Our balcony had a view onto the beach and we were able to see whales spouting and breaching from our balcony! There was a safe, a refrigerator and free wifi! This hotel is located at the end of beach closest to Lahaina and doesn't share it's beach with another hotel. This gave us a really large beachfront that wasn't crowded at all. I would definately stay at this hotel again!

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